He believes, “Learning without understanding can be a torture but with clear concepts it becomes fun and pleasure”. Najeeb teaches all the basic medical science courses like gross anatomy, embryology, histology, neuroscience, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, immunology and microbiology. We have the world’s largest library of online medical lectures that cover basic medical sciences. We have over 400+ hours of medical video lectures already available to our members and we continue to add new videos on a regular basis. We are allergic to PowerPoint presentations. They are never included in our medical video lectures. We teach on a traditional white board with hand-drawn illustrations. Our videos work on desktops, laptops, tablets and even smart phones so you can watch them on the go, anytime, anywhere! Whether you are looking for materials for USMLE prep, NCLEX review, the COMLEX or need NBDE, look no further than Dr.