Shipping container construction details
Shipping container construction details

Built around standard sizes, these buildings use a combination of the container cores and conventional wood framing, metal shed roofs and other inexpensive and conventional building materials and construction approaches.

shipping container construction details

The above sequence of shipping container housing structures sits somewhere in the middle. On top of that he has come up with all kinds of engaging cargo home plans and designs that range from simply, sturdy and easy-to-construct to complex, conceptual, whimsical and nearly impossible to build. His own DIY shipping container house, for example is constructed out of eight used shipping containers stacked on a residential lot.

shipping container construction details

However, lest you think you need to go the route of hiring a professional, you should know that some do-it-yourself designers like Keith Dewey are making do with their own shipping container house plans.

shipping container construction details

Nowadays more and more architects and builders are finding used free or for sale cargo containers at discount prices to construct all kinds of houses, homes and office structures. Once upon a time, you had to buy passage on a freight ship headed out to sea in order to see a stack of containers piled high to the sky all around you.

Shipping container construction details