Again, I have not pirated this game check my library. Finally, a game with anti-piracy measures! Good job devs! First game I saw in a long time to have this anti-piracy in it. If you like Universe Sandbox (and you likely do, because you are here), please consider buying a legal copy.

You're not ripping off a big company, you're taking advantage of a handful of people trying to make their living creating (what we hope is) amazing astronomy software. It should say this: Ahoy Maties! This is a pirated copy of Universe Sandbox. Idk if it just because duh debug.) you can press cancel. a chinese claimed to pirate universe sandbox² alpha15 released to his forum,me said that if he try to piracy, and to notify developers. A message box will appear but don't worry since you have a legal copy (I think this only apply's if you have a legal copy. Scroll down until you see (DEV) Windows and click Piracy Dialog. Go to Debug Menu in the game menu by hitting escape. You need to be in Developer Mode to do this or have a Pirated Copy but I don't recommend doing that. You can even check my steam library for proof I got this game legally. In Europe this can lead to three almost identical warnings in German (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), two in Dutch (The Netherlands and Belgium) at least. I was messing around with the debug settings. Before I begin no I have not pirated this game. Universe Sandbox is a physics-based space simulator.